Contacts: User data thumbnail

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Contacts: User data

With Channel Talk Contacts, we support easier customer data management compared to Excel or spreadsheets. You can easily set it up and use it in a variety of ways, from a simple search to customer classification.

Search and use user data

Quick search

  • You can search for customers quickly by entering their name, mobile phone number, and email in the search bar.

Use [Advanced Filter]

  • You can filter data with [Advanced Filter] and immediately check the search results.

  • When searching by combining multiple filters

  • Frequently used filtering values

    • member(Member Status): Distinguish between members and non-members

    • lastSeen(At Last Access Time): Filtering based on the last time the customer visited the website

    • profile .lastCeckoutCompletedAt(Last Order Time): Filtering based on the last time a customer made a purchase

    • sessionCount(Total number of sessions): Filtering based on the total number of visits

Why are the total number of sessions and actual visits different?
The total number of sessions is relatively close to the number of visits by users but may not match completely. If a customer leaves your site and returns before the session ends (within 30 minutes) to continue browsing, you might get two visits but one session.

[Advanced Filter] + [Quick Search]

You can use advanced filters and a quick search at the same time.

  • Click [Advanced Filter] - Click [Filter Conditions] - Enter a search term in the search box

Multi-term filter

  • You can search customer information in bulk using the multi-term filter feature.

  • How to use: Enter multiple search terms separated by a comma or space, then click [Enter each keyword separately].

  • Searching for more than 1,000 terms at once may result in a timeout, so we recommend to divide your data accordingly.

Segment settings

  • You can set up a segment to load a list of customers at any time according to the filtering conditions you set.

    • Segments don't store a list of retrieved customers, they store filtering criteria.

    • Each time a segment is loaded, it shows the search results, newly filtered with the most up-to-date information.

    • Even within the same segment customer group, the target audience a week ago and a week later may be different.

Edit user data

  • The data key name starts from the profile. Can be modified at any time by the manager by clicking the cell directly.

  • User tags and consent to marketing subscription status settings can be edited via bulk action as well.

Customer Profile Display settings

  • Data items shown in Contacts and data items shown in Inbox Guest Information can be set differently.

Change data key value display order

  • [Channel Settings] - [General - [Customer profile data]

  • You can change the display order right away by clicking and dragging the button located on the left side.

  • Data key display orders set in the customer profile data list will be reflected in Contacts.

Archiving customer profile data in Contacts

  • If there are data values that are no longer used, but you want to keep the collected data, you can archive them.

  • Data values that have been archived are no longer collected. It is not visible in Contacts or Inbox once it’s archived.

  • Archived key values will be greyed out in the Customer profile data list and they can be used again at any time when restored.

Display setting for guest info tab

  • You can change the display setting differently for guest information in Inbox

  • In Contacts, you may update the display setting to review overall customer data and for Inbox, you may select to display the necessary customer data for the chat.

What is the difference between hiding customer information and archiving a profile?

Hiding customer information: It is not visible only in the user chat inbox, but all information can be collected and checked in Contacts

Archiving customer data: It is inactive in the profile list and data is no longer collected. Once it’s archived, the data key will not be shown in Contacts and Inbox.

Download customer data

Downloading the customer contact data excel file is only available for managers with an owner role. (Manager Role settings)

Set the range of customers to download customer contact data from

  • With no filter:

    • Download entire customer data stored in Contacts(up to 1 million contacts).

  • With filter but no specific customer contact lists selected from search results:

    • Download the entire search results.

  • With filter and specific customer contact lists selected from search results

    • A maximum of 100 people at a time can be selected.

    • When you click “Select all customers”, you can select all customers from search results.

    • Only checked customer contact data can be downloaded.

  • Select the individual customer contact data to download

    • Click Individual customer avatars and download


  • After clicking “Download results”, type the download reason and set the file password.

    • Password must contain at least 6 characters consisting of letters, numbers, and symbols.

    • You can download customer data every 30 minutes.

  • After you initiate the download, you can check the download progress at the bottom left of the platform.

  • When the download is complete, you will receive a notification with a file download link in Team Chat’s "My Chatroom".

    • You can download the file by clicking the download button at the bottom of the notification message.

    • You have 7 days to download the file. The downloaded file will be expired after 7 days.