Chat History Search thumbnail

In this article

Chat History Search

The Channel Talk chat history search feature allows for quick and easy retrieval of previous conversations. Additionally, it enables the use of bulk actions, such as applying a status to multiple conversations, for the searched interactions.

Start searching

Click the magnifying glass icon located next to ‘Inbox’, or press Ctrl+F or Command+F to start your search.

Search Chats

You can easily search [Chats] by assignee, follower, state, chat tag, and date.

Chat filtering options






Search by a specific assignee or ‘not assigned’.



Search by a specific team.



Search by a specific follower.



Search by ‘Opened’, ‘Snoozed’, and ‘Closed’ statuses.

Chat goal


Search by chat goal achievement status.

Chat tag


Search by chat tags.



Search by integrated apps.




Search for user chats that have been opened before and after a specific date. (Search will include this date).

Search Messages

You can search Messages by the sender(From:) and date.

Message filtering options






Search by the name of the sender.




Search for user chats that have been opened before and after a specific date. (Search will include this date).

Message search results will include Internal Notes.


Your search results may be limited if you apply only one filter. Increase your search result accuracy by applying multiple filters or combining filters with text. Please note that you cannot combine the chat filter and message filter at the same time.

Examples of Multi-filters

  • Chat filters

    • Chats created after the 5th of January, 2022, where the Assignee is Michelle and the Chat status is Opened OR Snoozed

  • Message filters

    • Message is From Michelle, and created before the 1st of January, 2022 and after the 10th of January, 2022.

  • Chat filter + Text

    • Chats include a chat tag "inquiry", where Assignee is Michelle and Chat Description or Chat Name is color.

    • If you search a chat by text, the text will be applied to Chat Description and Chat Name.

  • Message filter + Text

    • Messages that are sent from Michelle and include all Delivery Inquiries.

If you put a space between two words, you can filter messages that include both words in the chat.

Search and bulk actions

You can apply bulk actions to search results as well.

How to apply bulk actions

After selecting a chat, click [Actions] to display a list of bulk actions. You can change or add information to selected chats, send messages or download data in one action.

  • Click the checkbox to the right of your search results to select all.

  • Click each chat’s profile image to select chats individually.

Bulk Action type

  • Assign: Manage the assignment of tasks by assigning or editing the assignee.

  • Unassign: Remove the assigned manager and change the status to unassigned.

  • Edit Followers: Manage followers by adding or exporting them.

  • Edit Chat Tags: Organize the chat by adding or deleting tags.

  • Send Message: Communicate with customers and team members by sending messages to customers or internal notes.

  • Snooze Chat: Temporarily change the status of the chat to "Pending".

  • Close Chat: Update the chat status to "Closed" after ending the conversation.

  • Leave Chat: Exit the chat room if you are invited as a follower but want to leave.

  • Data Download: Download the chat data.


In what order are filter search results displayed?

Message filters are displayed in order they were created, with the most recent results displayed at the top.

Chat filters are displayed in order of when the last message was created, with the most recent results displayed at the top.

Why can I choose only 25 chats at a time?

If you click the checkbox after scrolling down the chat search result, the number of selections will be added in increments of 25, and up to 200 chats can be selected at once. When you click [Select All Chats], all chats from the search result will be selected.

I want to search chats using customer names.

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon next to Inbox.

  2. When the search box appears, type in the customer name.

  3. Select the [Chats] tab.