Providing a Personalized Customer Experience

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  • Customer Cases

UUUUU - The Need For Personalized Customer Experience for Growing E-commerce Businesses


Customers are the key to any business, and most business owners will do everything they can to get customers to come visit their stores. But very few realize the importance of getting them to come back or stay.

In today’s interview with Bailee Song, MD of UUUUU’s Branding Team, we cover the story of UUUUU, a nail tech startup that’s making its brand known through collaboration with nail artists across the globe.

We look at:

  • Why they needed personalized customer experience.

  • What they did to help keep their customers interested and engaged.

  • And the results of their new and improved customer experience.

Let’s dive right in.

The need for a personalized customer experience

As with many start-up companies, UUUUU is operating with a small team of motivated individuals that are required to put on many different hats to maintain the operations of the business. And as a global company with customers from various countries, UUUUU realized early on in its journey, that the company needed to pay particular attention to personalizing its customer experience in order to stay competitive within its industry.

Q: What are some of UUUUU’s greatest achievements this year?

A: We are always trying to read trends quickly, especially to satisfy our fast-changing customers' tastes. Through the Global Friends project last year, we started to promote our brand to people who didn't know us at all, and this year, we were able to meet more overseas customers through collaborations with artists from various countries. Soon, their fans became our fans and we were able to create our own following from it.

It was also brought to light, after the interview, that the company was selected to join a start-up accelerator program with one application and a single pitch. An amazing feat for an up-and-coming startup in such a highly competitive market.

Q: Who are your main customers and what are some of the challenges you’re facing with them?

A: Our brand's main customer base is women in their 20s and 30s, and even some members of the LGBTQ community love us. In terms of challenges, as we are currently selling to all countries, we noticed that the expectations of customers can be very different from country to country. Even customers from countries right next to each other like Japan and Korea, we noticed their personalities and tastes are quite different from each other. Matching these different tastes and personalities proved to be a big challenge for us, and we realized we needed to find a way to personalize the customer experience for these different groups to keep them interested.

What is Customer Experience? How can I improve CX?

For those who are unclear on what customer experience is, customer experience is the experiences that customers have from the moment they enter your store to the moment they exit. This could include:

  • The cleanliness of your store.

  • The visual displays within the shop.

  • The interactions they have with your staff.

In order to improve customer experience companies spend a lot of money and time on the details of their stores. Some companies focus heavily on the layout and design of their shops, while some place extra care in training customer service staff to provide the best in service to their clients and customers. Even something as simple as remembering the customers and greeting them by name, can go a long way to improving overall customer experience and get customers to come back to your stores and improve brand loyalty.

Of course, for online businesses, this becomes a bit more challenging due to the fact that there’s a limit to how you can interact with customers. This was the same for UUUUU which wanted a way to not only personalize customer experience but also be able to approach and engage customers first. This was why they made the decision to implement a CX platform that could not only help them enhance customer experience but also improve the way their team interacted with customers.

What CX platform did UUUUU choose?

There are so many CX platforms out on the market these days that finding the right platform that fits your business can become a challenge of its own. UUUUU wanted a platform that could most accurately reflect its brand personality and help them focus its business around the needs of customers. In the end, UUUUU made the decision to implement Channel Talk as their main CX platform. Channel Talk as a company, emphasizes the belief that businesses succeed when they become customer-driven, and this is reflected in how the platform is designed. UUUUU’s brand values were closely aligned with this belief, making Channel Talk their ideal match.

Q: How did you discover our platform and why did you choose Channel Talk over others?

A: Before, we didn't have a way to connect with customers so we realized we needed a platform that could help us communicate with them. Thankfully, Channel Talk contacted us at the right time. The marketing functions, the support bot, and the fact that we can personalize the shopping experience of each of our customers made Channel the obvious choice for us. The platform met the needs of our brand, and the fact that we can segment customers and run different marketing campaigns simultaneously was an added bonus. Every feature was designed to help customize and personalize customer engagement and simplify the interactions that our customers have with our brand.

The result of a personalized shopping experience for UUUUU’s customers

As mentioned above, personalizing customer experience can go a long way to increase retention of customers and help turn first-time visitors into fans of your brand. Channel Talk has the ability to recognize returning customers, automate features to help customers find answers even when you’re away, and give you the option of creating customized promotions that let customers feel like they’re receiving personalized benefits for interacting a certain way with your brand. For UUUUU, the results were clear.

Q: How did installing Channel Talk affect your business? What’s changed since installing?

A: We were able to reduce repeat inquiries. Customers were able to find answers on their own through the unique multiple-choice support bot system. And I was satisfied that I could immediately check the target achievement rate of the marketing campaigns, directly on the platform itself. One in two members who signed up for membership on our site made their first purchase, so we were able to increase total sales quite quickly. It helped us prevent customer drop-off, and helped us convert hesitating customers into paying ones.

With their various products, collaborations with overseas artists, and the help of Channel Talk's live chat platform, the company saw an immense 300% revenue increase in the last year alone.

What Channel Talk is to UUUUU and their customers

Running a business is difficult as it is, but being unable to interact with customers face-to-face makes it twice as challenging for online businesses to drive growth. Channel Talk provided a simple solution for UUUUU to break down the barrier between their brand and their customers, bringing the two closer together.

Q: What is Channel Talk to you and your brand?

A: To me, Channel Talk is like a link between our Friends (we call customers “Friends”) and our brand! It's like a precious window where I can talk to customers directly and communicate with them. It’s allowed us to build real relationships and get closer to the customers.

Check out UUUUU's products on their homepage.

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