From user guides and developer documentation to blogs All in Channel Talk Documents

Consolidate all necessary documents into the AI's knowledge database and use during customer support.


Easy document management

Effortless document management is a given, seamlessly integrate with your website in just one click.

Say goodbye to switching between platforms. Now all within Channel Talk.


Easily move external documents

Simply copy and paste your Markdown-formatted document.

Stay organized

Organize your articles with version history, categories, and topics.

Even manage your website

Create your website with a single click and easily modify it at any time.

Increase chat efficiency

The more documentation you have the better the quality of the chats

Possible because we manage chat and documents all within Channel Talk.

RAG scheduled for release July

When documents meet ALF, they become even more powerful

The AI agent, ALF, finds information related to customer inquiries within the document and generates suitable responses.


Copy the link to any part of the documents and use it in your chats.

Quickly deliver the information you need to your customers.


We're continuously adding features to enhance chat efficiency

Show frequently accessed articles on Channel Talk's home, and retrieving necessary documents during chats.


Multi-language support

For global customer service operations, Channel Talk Documents are the perfect choice!

We support 33 languages worldwide. Create documents for customers from various countries.


Enjoy all of this at no extra cost!

The paid plan offers unlimited access to all document features.


Customize as you like

Coming soon

Support for various views.

Customize website layout for categories, blogs, and timelines.


Keep Your Existing URLs

Use your existing URLs with custom domain and redirection management features.


Easy SEO management

Easily set OG tags. Support for technical SEO features like sitemaps and HTTPS also upcoming.


Website design

Customize the website's theme colors, welcome messages, and more to match your brand.


Coming soon

Customization using Open API

Use the API to change your website's design or analyze customer-related data.


Coming soon

Our upcoming features.

Retrieve relevant documents during chats

Search and use relevant documents during chats. Attach relevant web pages directly to messages.

Display documents on the home screen (chat list)

Offer information related to key inquiries on Channel Talk's homepage, helping to reduce the volume of queries in advance.

Add blog view, timeline view

Utilize a new view to manage blogs, update notes, and more.

Integrate with FAQ

You can insert FAQs related to this document.

Compile FAQs on a single page for easy sharing with customers.

Plus many more features upcoming!

No need to hesitate

Access to all features with a paid plan

Create unlimited articles, even with a free plan

No additional setup required