Bite Me: Reducing Repetitive Inquires Nearly 100% with AI

Channel Talk

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  • Customer Cases
  • Live Chat
  • AI Agent
  • Pet
  • FAQs

"ALF being able to reduce the number of inquiries has such a huge impact. Imagine coming to work and see 100 questions waiting for you. It can be exhausting. But if ALF can reduce that by even 20, you start with 80. That feels very different."

The Problem: Inquiries were skyrocketing as the company was growing but headcount stayed the same so CX Team Lead Jin-ha was looking for ways to reduce workload for the CX team.

The Solution: Channel Talk's FAQ feature utilized AI to suggest FAQs to auto-answer through live chat.

The Result: Reduced repetitive inquires nearly 100% with AI

Bite Me is a leader player in the pet industry with over $15 million in sales. 80% of inquiries are repetitive inquiries about delivery, return, exchanges, and cancellations. The company turned to Channel Talk and utilized AI to discover commonly asked questions from past conversations and have AI Agent ALF handle all repetitive questions so the CX team could focus on important conversations.

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