Simplifying Communication for E-Commerce

Channel Talk

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  • Customer Cases

Bazzaal Box - Simplifying Team & Customer Communications for E-Commerce.


For today’s post, we interviewed Daniela Davila, the Operations Manager for BAZZAAL Box (a beauty e-commerce brand) who joined Channel Talk in order to simplify and centralize their communications not only with their customers but also with their team. The interview will cover:

  • An introduction to the BAZZAAL Box brand and its company vision

  • The difficulties they’ve been facing with communication and how they solved it

  • A look at some of the early successes BAZZAAL Box has had with Channel Talk

  • And some of their future plans with Channel Talk as part of their customer service

Q: How did you start your e-commerce business? How was BAZZAAL Box born?

A: BAZZAAL Box first started when Chloe, our founder and CEO, realized that there were a lot of brands that were still struggling to get exposure even after entering major retail stores. Because of this, she started BAZZAAL as a marketing company and BAZZAAL Box as an e-commerce brand to address some of these issues and we’re now operating out of South Korea and the US, with a small team of about 12 people.

BAZZAAL Box has been making a difference for local brands in Korea, helping them gain exposure through influencers, on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok and other social media. It has been good for influencers and our customers, who are really happy with the deals and the curated boxes.

Q: What started your e-commerce venture? What is your company’s vision?

A: We realized that a lot of people don’t know what skincare they should use, so we wanted to make it less complicated for everyone. That’s why our curated boxes are designed with a skincare routine that actually works for most skin types. You wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of trying different products or trying the whole routine by yourself. All of our boxes have already been tested and tried by skincare gurus and influencers.

We want skincare to be accessible to everyone - so we know internationally it isn’t easy to find products or brands local to those regions, which is why we offer free global shipping.

Q: What is the main driving force for BAZZAAL Box?

A: For BAZZAAL, helping brands get more exposure on social media has always been our main drive, but for BAZZAAL Box, the focus is on our customers and the positive experiences they have with our company. We’re always trying to find ways to improve our services and have more people try out our products. We want our customers to have a better experience each time they buy from us, and that’s what drives our work now.

“The focus is on the experiences they have with our company.”

Q: What are some challenges of operating a beauty e-commerce business internationally?

Getting the word out there and getting people to know about us - that’s the biggest challenge. It takes a lot of effort you have to communicate with the right people. We’ve settled down now, and we have a steady flow of customers visiting our store.

In terms of operations, because import laws and regulations have changed a lot since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, interacting with and communicating constantly with customers to keep them updated on those changes, proved to be very important. Communicating with them and trying to help them to resolve the issues they’ve had while shopping with us, are the main challenges.

We constantly update our website and notify them of changes through email and recently through channel support bot (chatbots). When people need information on shipping, they can access that right away. We added the option for customers to learn more about shipping by interacting with the support bot.

Q: How did you come across Channel Talk? How does it compare to other e-commerce live chat tools?

A: We were original using a different chat platform, but the interface wasn’t very user friendly. Because of this, we didn’t use it as the main dashboard while we were doing our work. We just used it to collect inquiries and then replying by email. Honestly, it was really time-consuming.

With channel, the UI is very intuitive and simple to use. Since Channel Talk has its own chat/messenger interface, it is really easy to keep control or be in control of the communication and stay up-to-date on every conversation.

And because you can centralize all conversations on the app, it saved us time having to move from platform to platform. The chat tags and team chat were also a huge improvement over the old platform. We have been looking to improve our customer communication for a while now, and we realized, Channel Talk was a better option for us to communicate with customers.

“The UI is intuitive and simple. It's easy to control communication.”

Q: How has Channel Talk changed the way you operate your e-commerce business?

A: It allowed us to centralize our customer service operations. We still do a lot of email, but we also get a lot of inquiries and requests through Channel. Because of how it is designed, we can keep track of almost everything. We can communicate between team members so we are all on the same page with customer interactions, and we are able to stay updated on events we should be aware of.

We’ve also been able to communicate with customers faster and reduce response and customer handling times. With simplified communication, we could build real relationships and make more sales or retain first-time visitors.

“We can reduce handling times and retain first-time visitors.”

It’s also great for mobility. Because Channel Talk has its own app for mobile phones, we’ve been able to keep track of what each team member was doing. We were used to just communicating through slack, but the option for internal notes during customer consultations allows us to communicate directly on the customer live chat window and save time jumping from page to page.

“It allowed us to centralize our customer service operations.”

Q: What successes have you found with Channel Talk so far? Who would you recommend Channel Talk to?

A: Through one of the marketing campaigns we noticed a boost in our sales soon after. We have product add-ons, aside from the boxes, which are extra products you can add to your order. We launched a marketing campaign to promote these add-on products, and a lot more people have been purchasing them.

I’d recommend Channel Talk to small teams or fast-growing businesses like us. You might think it wouldn’t be necessary, but it has actually saved us a lot of time. Instead of calling back and forth, or jumping from email to other tools, simply centralizing everything on Channel Talk has been a huge help.

Q: What is Channel Talk to you and your brand?

A: It’s a great communication platform and we are excited to see how it grows. We know that Channel is constantly upgrading current features, and also developing new ones to improve business efficiency, so we’re looking forward to the new features that are coming out. It’s great as it is now, but we are very excited for the future as well.

Q: What would you like to achieve for your e-commerce in the future?

A: We would like to reach more customers, communicate with them, build relationships, and retain them. Also, as I mentioned before, we want to keep exploring the amazing features that Channel Talk has to offer and see where it’ll take us.

“I’d recommend Channel Talk to fast-growing businesses.”

Check out Bazzaal Box's latest updates at their website. Also check out their instagram page!

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