Scaling With An All-in-One Live Chat & Customer Service

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Konny Baby - Scaling With An All-in-One Live Chat & Customer Service

Lessening the Burden of Parenthood

Being a parent is easy task. Parents will do anything to provide the very best for their children, and want nothing more than for them to be safe and healthy. But as every parent knows, providing the best is the most challenging part of parenting.

Konny Baby, a baby goods e-commerce brand, is changing the way parents provide care for their children, and moms and dads around the world are taking notice.

“Konny baby’s mission is to make a parent’s life easy, without foregoing fashion. Konny’s journey started when she had to solve her own parenting issues. Without any clothing design experience or knowledge of ergonomics, she started with the idea of ‘the experience of a real parent’.”

Making a Difference for Customers

Kobby Baby’s products have won two major design awards, and the company was able to sell over 900,000 individual items in over 70 countries. And their success was built from ensuring that quality products are produced, with functionality and design in mind.

“I think the biggest cause for our growth is the quality of our products. All Konny baby members work hard because we believe that good products can change people’s lives, and eventually the world.”

Konny Baby’s baby carriers were designed to be so light that parents would forget they were wearing one, while ensuring that moms and dads were carrying their babies in style. At the same time, they designed it to be comfortable so parents can carry on with their daily tasks.

“Today Konny’s work has gained the love and support of mothers and fathers all over the world.  Our goal is to make the parenting journey as pleasant as possible through our daily-use product lines.“

Combining Customer Service and All-In-One Live Chat Features

The greatest challenge for online businesses comes from being disconnected from customers. As customers are shopping behind a screen, it makes it difficult to communicate or provide customer service. But for Konny Baby this was no longer an issue.

“I was doing some online shopping when I discovered Channel Talk on another site! I loved the experience so much that I figured Channel Talkwould be perfect for Konny Baby’s customers as well.”

As an all-in-one live chat platform, Channel Talk allowed Konny Baby to connect with customers on a more personal level and provide quality customer service online.

“A large portion of customer inquiries are simple or repetitive, and the number of inquiries can really start piling up. However, thanks to a combination of the live chat and customizable chat bots, most of our customers were able to get answers to their questions very quickly. In fact, 60% of our customers got their issues resolved even before getting to an agent.”

“60% of customers get their issues resolved without contacting an agent.”

The Advantages of Live Chat for Customer Service

Konny Baby stated that for high-involvement products like their carriers, customers only make purchases after they’ve consulted an agent — understandable considering the products are for their babies.

Connecting with customers through the live chat allowed Konny to build trust with customers and convince potential buyers that their products are baby safe. Most times, the positive experiences they have through the live chat led to repeat purchases as well.

“For example, a customer asked questions about a product they had in mind as a gift for their friend. After getting more background on our products, the same customer came back a while later and said she was going to buy one for her upcoming baby.”

Adopting the Live Chat Platform

There’s nothing more frustrating than to buy something, only to find out that you can’t use it because you don’t know how it works. For Konny Baby, the most important part of adopting a new system was that the key functions were intuitive and easy to use.

“This is especially true for tools which directly affect sales. Having lots of fancy tools is great, but if we can’t figure out how to talk to customers on a live chat system — that would be problematic.”

The platform also allowed the company to take a step back from the extra expenses generated by using too many different tools. Channel Talk provided many of the key tools that were needed to operate their business, saving them money and time.

“Before, our customer interaction tools were all separated.”

“Before we started using Channel Talk, our customer interaction tools were all divided. As a result, our agents had to jump between tools to speak with customers, and all of the data that were collected by each tool had to be manually combined. But we didn’t have to worry about that once we started using Channel Talk thanks to it’s all-in-one system.”

Konny Baby also utilized the marketing feature to inform customers of new launches, restocking of popular items, or new colors being added — helping customers stay interested, and in many cases bringing them back to buy more.

“In a lot of cases, we saw these campaigns bring customers back, and double the sales.”

“We can provide the same level of detail in our answers as live agents.”

A Channel for Babies

Konny Baby’s business is flourishing, and continues to grow along side Channel Talk to become a household name for parents all over the globe. The company is making its mark in the minds and hearts of moms and dads everywhere, with no signs of slowing down, and Channel Talk plans to be with them every step of the way.

In addition to promotions, campaign messages that were sent out to inform customers of new launches, restocking of popular items, or new colors being added, helped customers stay interested in their brand, and in many cases brought them back to Konny Baby’s stores.

“We saw these campaigns bring customers back, and improve our sales.”

“Campaigns brought customers back and improved our sales.”

Check out their website and Youtube Channel to learn more about their story.

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