Jun: 40% Conversion Rate Through Sales Concierge

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Jun: 40% Conversion Rate Through Sales Concierge

Jun is a fashion brand known for blending traditional aesthetics with contemporary design, offering high-quality, stylish apparel across various sub-brands.

Jun offers live chat customer support with a conversion rate of 40% - similar to that of physical stores.

In addition, customer satisfaction is 85%.

Online shopping is often less smooth than a physical store experience. Customers especially have questions about size and coordinating pieces with clothing.

However, Jun's live chat experience mirrors a physical store experience where the store representatives are able to help with all your concerns.

Feedback from their customers includes:

"I never expected to get such personal advice through chat."

"The suggestions I got through chat made me more confident in my purchase."

How was Jun able to achieve this?

  1. Through their focus on building a customer-centric business model

  2. Using Channel Talk to communicate and understand their loyal customer base

We spoke with the Information Systems and Logistics Executive of Jun, Mr. Nakajima, on his approach to live chat customer support for sales.

Information Systems and Logistics Executive of Jun, Mr. Nakajima

Building a Resilient Business During the Recession Through Customer Conversations

1. The apparel industry is facing some tough challenges right now. How do you view the market, and how is Jun working to overcome this crisis?

The apparel market is shrinking due to oversupply and Japan’s declining population. Right now, the industry’s big issue is overproduction, which forces companies to sell at discounts just to move stock.

We used to produce with the expectation that we would clear inventory through end-of-season sales, but we’re shifting away from that model.

By becoming a leaner, more resilient business that sells products at full price, we can protect our brand’s value and build a more profitable business model.

To achieve this, we need to create consistent touchpoints with customers across all channels and offer excellent service, turning each interaction into a loyal relationship—whether it’s online or in-store.

2. Jun has been increasing its loyal customer base by offering the same high-quality service both online and in physical stores. Why are you putting so much emphasis on live chat customer support?

We need to ensure that customers can enjoy a seamless shopping experience, whether in-store or online.

Our goal is to build a strong, profit-focused business model supported by a solid customer base, which is essential to navigating these challenging times.

Instead of treating every customer like a one-off, we need to strengthen our customer relationships.

As customer behavior becomes more omnichannel, we’re focusing on enhancing our OMO (Online Merges with Offline) strategy.

Jun’s OMO strategy, "Equalizing the Experience Between Online and Physical Stores," focuses on three key areas:

① OMO for information

② OMO for inventory

③ OMO for customer service.

We’ve already implemented OMO for information and inventory, and now, we’re focusing on OMO for customer service as a key differentiator.

Since understanding customers and meeting their needs is essential for product creation, OMO for customer service is crucial.

3. It seems like OMO for customer service is a key part of building a leaner business model!

Yes, and implementing OMO for customer service not only brings those benefits but also helps us achieve a conversion rate similar to that of physical stores.

While the average e-commerce conversion rate is only about 1%, Jun’s rate is an impressive 40%.

Even in physical stores, the average purchase rate for apparel is around 30%, so our online conversion rate is on par with in-store performance.

To reach this level, it’s important to provide experiences that exceed customer expectations.

Right now, very few e-commerce platforms offer personalized service like this.

That’s why we believe that creating a memorable, engaging customer experience through service—and turning customers into fans and loyal patrons—is directly linked to the lean, resilient business model we’re striving for.

CX Team of 15 with 85% CSAT Score

4. How did you manage to achieve an 85% satisfaction score?

The key to successful e-commerce customer service is responding quickly and thoughtfully to inquiries that require a human touch.

There are three key methods we follow:

1. Inquiries needing a personal response are addressed within one minute.

If you ask for help in a physical store and have to wait several minutes for assistance, it wouldn’t be a great experience. That’s why speed is essential in our approach.

2. We use chatbots from Channel Talk to handle common inquiries that can be resolved automatically.

Now, 70% of common inquiries are resolved automatically. This reduces customer wait times and allows us to focus on queries that lead to sales or create loyal customers.

3. Our chat support is available from 10 AM to 10 PM.

Since our e-commerce site sees the most traffic in the evening, we schedule our staff in shifts to make it easier for customers to shop during these hours.

5. It sounds like focusing on the right areas is crucial for creating a memorable customer experience. E-commerce has less information than physical stores, so what do you do to enhance customer satisfaction?

Collage created by CX agent for a customer during a live chat.

In e-commerce, we’re limited to images, text, and videos for communication, so it’s important to maximize the quality of these elements.

In a physical store, customers can pick up an item and get a sense of it even without help. We need to recreate that experience online.

That’s our foundation, and the next step is to offer personalized advice, like suggesting an outfit combination that suits the customer’s taste, for those who find it difficult to choose products on their own.

This way, customers can enjoy a shopping experience similar to what they’d get in a store.

This approach has impressed our customers, leading to feedback like, "I never expected such detailed coordination advice online. I definitely want to consult with them again."

Offering live chat customer support also increases the overall value of our site.

6. It seems that understanding customers even better than in physical stores is essential. What kind of backgrounds do Jun’s CX agents have?

Our CX team consists of folks who have extensive sales experience.

Training is also a key part. With Channel Talk, all team members can access a shared management screen, allowing them to observe how others handle inquiries and make suggestions.

This creates natural learning opportunities. Being able to see how others handle customer interactions in real-time helps foster a sense of community among the team. This sense of camaraderie boosts motivation in our chat-based customer service.

And to stay up-to-date on trends, our team visits nearby stores once a week to examine products firsthand and attends brand product briefings and trend training sessions.

7. Jun’s live chat customer service has a high 40% conversion rate. What metrics do you focus on to improve this conversion rate?

The metrics we focus on are:

  • The number of chats we handle

  • Positive feedback we receive in post-chat surveys

  • Our response time

We want to make shopping enjoyable whether the customer is online or offline.

Our priority is not short-term CVR but how well we can build a base of loyal customers and fans.

8. That explains why you’ve achieved an 85% satisfaction rate! What other steps do you take to increase your number of loyal customers?

Building a loyal customer base requires a deep understanding of customer needs and personalized service.

With Channel Talk, we can view past inquiries and customer information, allowing us to identify whether a customer is new or a returning tailor our service accordingly.

Before, we relied on other chat tools that couldn’t distinguish between customers, leading to one-off interactions that didn’t carry over to the next time.

Now, with Channel Talk, we can:

  • Proactively engage with our loyal customers

  • Easily suggest new products

  • Maintain ongoing communication

This has allowed us to build lasting relationships and continually nurture our customer base.

Jun's CX Team Drives Business Growth

9. How does your CX team use customer feedback to improve your services and the website?

Our CX team members share daily reports, which often include suggestions for improving the website.

If a sales associate identifies missing information or suggests changes to images, these are implemented on the site by the next day as a standard practice.

This helps us maintain a customer-focused approach to continuous improvement.

Typically, site improvements can take time due to A/B testing and other processes, and employees may become too familiar with the site to see it from a customer’s perspective.

However, because our team interacts with customers daily, they constantly share insights on where customers face challenges and how we can improve the site’s user experience.

Acting quickly on this feedback is a key opportunity for us.

While we use analytical tools to monitor the site, they only provide quantitative data. The CX team shares qualitative insights, like which products customers considered before purchasing and what influenced their choices, which has greatly sped up our website development.

10. What are your goals for the future?

Looking ahead, we want to offer personalized services similar to those provided by personal shoppers at high-end department stores.

To make sure customers choose us, we need to offer experiences they can't get anywhere else.

Delivering this level of service online requires good data. By analyzing customer preferences, we can make precise recommendations.

We plan to use Channel Talk even more effectively to gather customer data and feedback.

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